After My Life as a Courgette, Claude Barras strikes again Savages, a masterpiece of stop motion animation which premiered at the Cannes Film Festival this year. This time he calls for environmental protection through a funny, engaging and heartfelt film questioning indigenous rights. In Borneo, at the edge of the tropical forest, Kéria is given a baby orangutan that has been rescued from the oil palm plantation where her father works. At the same time, her young cousin Selaï has come to live with them, seeking refuge from the conflict between his nomadic family and the logging companies. Together, Kéria, Selaï and the little ape will battle the destruction of their ancestral forest home, now under greater threat than ever. But for Kéria, the fight will also allow her to discover the truth of her own origins. 


“An adventure movie given wings by its humourous situations and dexterous dialogue.”
Le Monde
“Delivers a vital lesson, and not only for children.”

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Ciné Lumière
