Environment 12 by Hugo Servanin at Nicoletti

23 Nov 2024 - 1 Feb 2025

Hugo Servanin’s artistic practice revolves around the creation of sculptural bodies that he calls Géants, drawing on the aesthetics of classical sculpture and linking it to technological devices. In Environment 12, Servanin has done away with this technological artifice, concentrating instead on a close, intimate study of human anatomical structures. Servanin creates casts that are then fractured, manipulated and reassembled to create a series of hybrid beings. Displayed on stainless steel pedestals arranged in a manner reminiscent of classical museography, the sculptures attempt to rework, from within, the notion of the ideal body in Western sculptural traditions, and invite us to contemplate a form of post-humanism composed of ambiguous and dissident bodies.

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  • Image: Moulin Rouge (detail) by Christine Ankaoua 2004
