Reading Group on La Chatte by Colette

Tue 8 Oct
Books & Ideas

This reading group is dedicated to Colette’s La Chatte.

When they start their married life, Alain and Camille seem like the perfect match, childhood friends with everything in common. But their interior lives and fantasies soon drive a wedge between them. Alain loves an idealised version of Camille, for her beauty, stillness and silence. So, he’s disconcerted to discover her exuberance and energy. Soon, the focus of his affections shifts to Saha, his pedigree Russian Blue cat, a beautiful and sphinx-like creature, who soon becomes Camille’s hated rival for Alain’s affections.

With unequalled mastery and sobriety, Colette has composed a tragic story with an unconventional love triangle.

You can find information on the book in English on the British publisher’s website.


in French