What is a wall without a door? What is a door without a wall?

27 June - 30 July

Fluxus Art Projects supports artist Azzedine Saleck as he creates an installation space for two musicians to play experimental and improvised electronic music apart and together, behind and across defensive architecture constructed from domestic materials dividing Flax’s North Street space. The exhibition will continue throughout July in Threshold’s window galleries after the performances. Azzedine Saleck was laureate of the first edition of Magnetic residencies run by the French Institute.


  • Thu 27 June, 12.00 to midnight – performance with Azzedine Saleck, Brian Close and Thomas Bullock
  • Fri 28 June, 19.00 – performance Azzedine Saleck
  • Throughout July – Exhibition


Book your ticket(s)

  • Picture: courtesy of Flax Art Studios'
