Helen Constantine read French and Latin at Oxford. She was Head of Languages at Bartholomew School, Eynsham, until 2000, when she gave up teaching and became a full-time translator. She has published volumes of translated stories, Paris Tales, and French Tales and edits a series of City Tales for Oxford University Press. She is married to the poet, David Constantine and is a former editor of Modern Poetry in Translation. She is currently working on a translation of Nana by Zola.
• Recent book edited :
2017 (Sept), Amsterdam Tales, Anthology (OUP)
2016 (Aug), Paris Street Tales, Anthology (OUP)
2016 (Mar), Centres of Cataclysm, 50 years of Modern Poetry in Translation (MPT)
2014, Vienna Tales, Anthology (OUP)
2014, Copenhagen Tales, Anthology (OUP)
2013, Moscow Tales, Anthology (OUP)
• Recent book translations :
2017 (Nov), A Love Story, Zola (OUP)
2016, Sentimental Education, Flaubert (OUP)
2014, The Conquest of Plassans, Zola (OUP)
2012, The Wild Ass’s Skin, Balzac (OUP)
2007, Dangerous Liaisons, Laclos (Penguin Classics)
2005, Mademoiselle de Maupin, Gautier (Penguin Classics)